

Extraordinary hair comb that features a star burst of tear drop shaped luminescent stones surrounding a brilliant floral rosette at centre. Impressive spray of  lustrous tear drops is finished with an assortment of sparkling rosettes on a vine like setting at each end. Absolutely stunning piece that won’t go unnoticed.


Timeless and so elegant this hair adornment is so striking it certainly dazzles with radiance. It's absolutely perfect for any upscale venue or all bridal looks. Comb may be worn as small tiara at front of hair with lot's of top volume. Looks fabulous at sides of hair or outstanding in any dramatic up do. Quality double wired prongs to hold securely in hair for all day wear. To prevent chipping wrap well and store away from other jewellery. Comb has beveled setting for proper placement. Do not force band to bend. Polish with soft dry cloth only. Measures approx. 3.5"x3" including prongs.

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